Interacción afectiva entre un perro de terapia y la tríada madre, padre e hija que presenta necesidades múltiples. Representaciones subjetivas del apego y la sensibilidad parental

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This research evaluates the impact of an Animal Assited Therapy (AAT) in the establishment of an attachment bond and the increase of an affective interaction at the Mother, Father and Daughter with Multiple Needs triad. This work suggests that, if parental sensitivity is repaired and secure attachment patterns are restablished in the triad, the children with Multiple Needs could achieve a sense of security and explore their world. For this purpose, the general characteristics of the attachment establishment process and the attachment domains of an early childhood with Multiple Needs are discussed. The attachment intervention strategies of the AMAR program and play therapy are questioned and, finally, the characteristics of the human-animal relationship and the way in which these interactions affect the physical, psychological and social well-being of the human being are discussed. The research concludes that the presence of an therapy animal, specifically a dog, improves affective interaction and parental sensitivity to the girl's signals, which contributes to modify the mother-daughter and father-daughter attachment patterns, increasing the collaboration of the girl with Multiple Needs in joint interaction, which decreases the girl's irritability. 

Article Details

Paulina Marilao González
Marilao González , P. (2021). Interacción afectiva entre un perro de terapia y la tríada madre, padre e hija que presenta necesidades múltiples. Representaciones subjetivas del apego y la sensibilidad parental . Revista Pensamiento Académico, 4(1), 112-136.
