Estudio exploratorio de estilos de aprendizaje utilizados por estudiantes de UNIACC de las modalidades de dictación semipresencial y online

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The virtual learning environments (AVA) are spaces designed for distance lear- ning. On the other hand, learning styles are the way on how students perceive, in- teract and respond to academic tasks. This research explores the learning styles of students of four careers taught in online and blended modality at UNIACC Univer- sity, through an exploratory and quantitative cross-sectional study, using the Ho- ney-Alonso Questionnaire of Learning Styles. The results indicate that online and blended students use priority re ective and theoretical learning styles, and to a lesser extent, pragmatic and active styles. The discussion focuses on the need for institutions to consider these preferences in students for the development of me- thodological strategies that enable their best academic performance and success- fully complete their studies according to the Institutional Educational Model (MEI).

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Rocío Arcos Tapia
Anais Aluicio González
Claudia Mundaca Villalobos
Cristian Ortega Bustos
Dina Peirano Olate
Arcos Tapia, R., Aluicio González, A., Mundaca Villalobos, C., Ortega Bustos, C., & Peirano Olate, D. (2018). Estudio exploratorio de estilos de aprendizaje utilizados por estudiantes de UNIACC de las modalidades de dictación semipresencial y online. Revista Pensamiento Académico, 1(1), 1-14.


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