Un origen en la fenomenología del habitar a partir de la representación simbólica del espacio
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The links that exist between the ways of living as a human, social, cultural phenomenon and architecture are ancestral and inherent in their origin to the development and evolution of the human being. It emerge from that common place that includes needs and wills of diverse order. The following text, seeks to deepen on those original elements that could have motivated the individual, to adapt their environment as a strategy of symbolic representation, which will be achieved with the development of a phenomenological conception of space and time, and whose origin appears together with its desire for protection and willingness to organize their habits, their ways of living together and communication, from their own worldview. From its experience of the world, it will be able to transfer those experiences to its interior, conceiving for the first time, that union between exterior and interior as a possibility of representation of its inner world recognizing the phenomena that surround its. Thus, it will appear, the possibility of repairing that existential gap imposed by the spatial and temporal distance that separates it from reality, or for what turns out unattainable and painful. The cavern, specifically its walls, constitute the limits of that first dwelling where the scene is configured through which he will be able to represent its own inner-outer world as an indivisible unit and the possibility of symbolic transcendence that will allows him to conceive his harmonious presence in The cosmos.