Intervención sostenible de las ruinas del Liceo Enrique Molina Garmendia en el marco del Plan Concepción 2030
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Over time, as a society we have made progress in considering cultural heritage as a relevant element in urban development. Consequently, from the academy we consider it as unavoidable within the training of new architects. In this context, a plan of collaboration between the Municipality of Concepción and the School of Architecture UNIACC was carried out in 2019, where different workshops addressed commissions belonging to a portfolio of projects defined by the municipality and the inhabitants of the city in a planning project for the city of Concepción developed in 2014. The Heritage Workshop of UNIACC School of Architecture took on the intervention and enhancement of the ruins of Enrique Molina Garmendia High School former theater or auditorium as an academic exercise. Thus, the students generated several architectural suggestions within the framework of sustainable development actions, considering the conservation and enhancement of the building's heritage values, to project strategies to return it to the community in 2030.