La evaluación en la enseñanza de las artes: Dificultades, caminos y propuestas para comenzar una reflexión

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In this work, the general difficulties faced by evaluation practices in the field of Art Education are announced. The difficulties that arise from the nature of Art itself, those that arise from the link between Art and Science and those that come from historical evaluation practices are distinguished. Teaching-learning models that have been used in Art are reviewed and the university educational context is integrated to reflect on the difficulties and possibilities that this model generates for the teaching of artistic disciplines. Finally, a perspective on the Evaluation and the place of the evaluator within the educational process is proposed, and elements are shown that allow progress in the reflection on the establishment of evaluation criteria and tools for the teaching of the Arts.

Article Details

Marcela Saiz
Saiz, M. (2020). La evaluación en la enseñanza de las artes: Dificultades, caminos y propuestas para comenzar una reflexión. Revista Pensamiento Académico, 3(1), 118-136.


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