El hibridismo cultural en los inicios del Ballet Nacional Chileno
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This article analyzes the salient features of cultural hybridism during the beginnings of the National Chilean Ballet, created in 1941, using the aesthetic premises of German modern expressionism dance. It uses the theoretical frameworks of interculturalism and Latin American hybridism, linking the aesthetical analysis with the sociopolitical context and the art production in the period starting in the forties until the early 70`s. The paper explains the acceptance of the modern German dance in the intellectual and artistic Chilean contexts of that period and the evolution of Chilean dance towards a choreographic production which developed an identity with particular local features.
Article Details
Tapia, P. (2020). El hibridismo cultural en los inicios del Ballet Nacional Chileno. Revista Pensamiento Académico, 3(1), 152-167. https://doi.org/10.33264/rpa.202001-11
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