Dolus y Duellum: Pérdida, dolor y duelo en la consulta
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The present paper is articulated around the grief concept which emerges from the therapeutical space, as the result of loss and the associated pain. From the analysis of cases in the practice of the consultation, grief is conceptualized covering aspects and situations associated with different losses that occur in various aspect of the event. Thus, from a broader view, it is shown how the process of loss and the subsequent mourning constitutes a reality that, rather than obeying to predeterminate stages, offers a space for reviewing our world of meanings and the openness to experiment pain, from our own reality. The first part embraces theoretical and clinical aspects, especially those that emerge from DSM IV, DSM V and CIE-10, so that after making a presentation of different cases where loss is associated to different experiences, reflexions are built regarding grief and to the role of patient and therapist.