Instituciones culturales y la inmaterialidad del arte contemporáneo

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Technological advances have brought numerous changes in the fields of culture and the arts, specifically those based on certain works developed with computer codes and arranged through the Internet and its access devices. However, cultural institutions have lagged behind when it comes to adding these pieces to their collections in an appropriate way. 

This article deals with this problem and how institutions such as libraries and museums might become irrelevant when it comes to fulfilling their documentary, conservation and dissemination mission in these situations, particularly when that same immateriality and lack of physical support become part of an artistic and narrative essence.  Guidelines are cited and proposed that cultural institutions can consider and adopt in order to face these complexities that put their relevance at stake with the evolution of technology and new forms of artistic expression.

Article Details

Arévalo, S. (2020). Instituciones culturales y la inmaterialidad del arte contemporáneo. Revista Pensamiento Académico, 3(1), 204-214.


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