Las Pymes frente a la pandemia: El necesario desarrollo del pensamiento estratégico y de la planificación estratégica

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This article constitutes a study and comparative analysis of the concepts of strategic thinking and strategic planning, based on studies by different authors, which makes it possible to understand the importance of both terms and the correct application in companies and which, fundamentally, allows managers and / or owners of SMEs and entrepreneurs in general, project organizations (or future ventures) in a sustainable manner over time and avoid death in the death valley, especially in the time of pandemic (Covid19) that we are living, from the development of technological innovations planned from the philosophy business and that involves, as a great challenge for SMEs (small and medium enterprises), the construction and implementation of correctly articulated action plans and the construction of appropriate growth and development scenarios that benefit all the agents involved, through generation of competitive advantages. That is, it aims to guide the design of strategies that allow SMEs to see and materialize, from strategic thinking and strategic planning, a technological innovation, which enables them to achieve the basic financial goal of growing and being competitive in the market. 

This research work is a part of the doctoral thesis of its author, PhD in Management Administration from the University Benito Juárez G., which seeks to explain the high mortality rate of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the town of Melipilla - Chile and also promote the birth and development of these types of organizations through a: "Value proposition: A business solution model for Chilean SMEs". 

Article Details

Galvarino Casanueva Yáñez
Casanueva Yáñez , G. (2021). Las Pymes frente a la pandemia: El necesario desarrollo del pensamiento estratégico y de la planificación estratégica. Revista Pensamiento Académico, 4(1), 80-92.


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