Aprendiendo las Partes del Átomo de Hidrógeno con un videojuego

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Today, children spend a great time of their lives playing video games. Under this scenario, the impact on learning the basic structure of a hydrogen atom was measured, which can have the use of a video game for five days for ten children.  Initially, we worked with 37 8th grade Chilean children to learn about their use and interest in videogames, through a questionnaire with questions based on the Likert scale. Then a simple questionnaire of previous knowledge was applied, in which they had to identify the parts of the hydrogen atom, denoting the little knowledge of this. Finally, we worked with two groups of students, one who studied the content with a traditional content card (18 students) and the other who also worked with the video game (9 students). In the end, a new instrument for the evaluation of the contents was applied, presenting positive results, showing better performance for the group of nine children regarding their learning of the parts of the hydrogen atom. This reveals the potential that the use of this technology has for the educational process. 

Article Details

Luis Pérez Hein
Mauricio Saenz Correa
Pérez Hein, L., & Saenz Correa , M. (2021). Aprendiendo las Partes del Átomo de Hidrógeno con un videojuego . Revista Pensamiento Académico, 4(1), 165-179. https://doi.org/10.33264/rpa.202101-11


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