Gestión y estrategia comunicacional en escenarios de conflicto: Dos casos de estudio comparado, la Secretaría Regional Ministerial de Bienes Nacionales de la XII Región y la Asociación de Abogados de Chile
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The analysis of two public organizations both nonprofit, which confirmed that it was possible to find out a series of analogies in reference to the irrespective styles of communication management in a crisis context, respectively. The feasibility of developing a methodology to address the phenomenon in question was confirmed, as a consequence. One of these organizations is the Chilean Bar Association and the another one is the National Goods Ministry of the XII Region. The comparative analysis was based on a selection off actors with a potential impact on the conflict, which allowed us to identify common features in the audiences involved in each case, as well as to categorize their needs, to distinguish unmet communication expectations and, thus, to discriminate the possible damages in order to prioritize the negative effects of these damages on the corporate image. In this context, it was confirmed that analogies could be found in the communication management styles of both organizations, so that it was plausible to test elements of a common strategic design to address communication management in such crisis contexts. Likewise, it could be proposed that such strategic design have more general validity for similar cases or crisis contexts.
Consequently, the feasibility of developing a methodology that allows addressing the phenomenon in question was confirmed. The analysis, of a comparative nature, was based on a selection off actors with potential incidence in the conflict, which allowed us to specify common features in the audiences involved in each case, categorize their needs, distinguish unmet communication expectations and, from this, to discriminate the possible damages to prioritize the negative effects of these damages in their corporate images.