Pymes: La necesidad de una nueva cultura empresarial

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The present work is based on a part of the doctoral thesis developed by its author, "Value proposal: A business solution model for SMEs in the town of Melipilla - Chile", in the Doctoral program in Management Administration of the University Benito Juárez G.; and aims to highlight the importance of people in generating value and the urgent need today to change the business culture of SMEs. This is justified, given that the scenarios that all the companies that make up the so-called SMEs (Small and Medium Enterprises) have changed profoundly and dramatically and, today, all the factors that act as guarantors and great generators of value for SMEs, such as technology, financing, markets and information; they are no longer, given that these factors are available more than before and, therefore, within the reach of almost all SMEs, or at least for all companies that make up the competition of an economic organization. Indeed, these factors are no longer sources that guarantee the production of competitive advantages by themselves, and the great challenge facing companies today is to ensure that their employees can be more productive and, therefore, can create value. The present article shows that people or collaborators turn out to be the great differentiators of competitiveness of companies today and, in passing, puts an end to the uncertainty of many managers about the true value of employees for the business.

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Galvarino Casanueva
Casanueva, G. (2018). Pymes: La necesidad de una nueva cultura empresarial. Revista Pensamiento Académico, 2(1), 101-110.


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